One to One Mentoring
Big Brothers Big Sisters 1:1 Community Based Mentoring
Time Commitment: 3-4 hours a week!

The Big Brother Big Sisters Community Based Mentoring program is a mentoring program for youth in Sarnia-Lambton between the ages of five and eighteen years of age. Littles are referred for service for many reasons, the majority are “at risk” and looking for preventative support. Many have experienced trauma or abuse, witnessed family abuse, poverty, experienced a family breakdown, social isolation or simply would benefit from the support of a 1:1 mentor.
In this 1:1 program we formally match volunteer mentors to young people based on interests and need. Our mentors are professionally screened, trained and supported to ignite the unique power and potential of each youth we bring through our doors. We provide every match access to a professional Caseworker who proves support to both the youth, mentor and family.
Our 1:1 matches explore and enjoy our local Sarnia-Lambton community together. Spending at minimum 3-4 hours a week together, matches choose their own schedule, activities, events or community resources to explore. Matches share interests and discover new ones together in their local community. Every match has access to consistent support from a BBBS professional caseworker staff who helps them stay safe, stay committed and reach individual milestones and goals.
We have many long term matches here at our local agency, we support and monitor a match until the youth graduates the program at eighteen years of age.
These 1:1 relationships allow our youth an outlet, a voice and an opportunity to have experiences they would not have otherwise. Our mentors provide our local youth with strong supports in mentorship to allow them to thrive in school, home & society as a whole.
For more information on how to apply to be a volunteer in the 1:1 Community Based Program or to refer a child up please click on the link below tab or call us at 519-336-0460.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Our 1: Community Based Caseworkers:
Sarah McSwain –
Autumn Hollinger –
The Big Bunch Program
Time Commitment: 2 hours bi-weekly!

The Big Bunch program is a bi-weekly program for the youth on our waiting list. Our waiting Littles are offered Big Bunch while they wait for their own Big!
The Big Bunch program gives our Littles a strong sense of connection to the agency and offers an environment conductive to strengthening self-esteem, forming relationships with peers and adults, a sense of stability and belonging.
In the Big Bunch program we match 3 Littles to 1 mentor, as a group these groups meet bi-weekly with other matches and attend activities led by our group coordinator.
These group activities focus supporting our youth by giving them access to healthy snacks / meals, having discussions about healthy choices, providing them with new opportunities and surrounding these youth with strong supports in mentorship to allow them to thrive in school, home & society as a whole.
We have found through our own local research that the youth that participate in our Big Bunch program have more successful 1:1 matches, they tend to be longer term and fins more success in all areas we measure through our United Way measuring tools. It is almost detrimental to their development both socially and emotionally do accept youth onto our Wait List and offer no service.
Many volunteers will start with the Big Bunch program and get matched in the 1:1 program!
For more information on how to apply to be a volunteer in the Big Bunch Program please click on the “volunteer” tab or call us at 519-336-0460.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Our Big Bunch Coordinator:
Nicole Cook–
In-School Mentoring – School Based 1:1 Mentoring
Time Commitment: 1 hour a week!

The In-School mentoring program provides youth with a role model and a friend to talk to and share the experiences of growing up within school grounds.
For one hour a week, mentors meet with their mentee and engage in activities such as board games, crafts or just hang out on school grounds.
The In-School mentoring program requires a weekly visit of one hour for the duration of the school year. Matches do not meet over the summer break or during other school holidays.
For more information on how to apply to be a volunteer in the In School Mentoring Program or to refer a child up please click on the link below tab or call us at 519-336-0460.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Our In School Mentoring Coordinator:
Nicole Cook –
Go Girls! – School Based Group Mentoring (Online OR In Person)
This program is facilitated by our Lambton College students!
GO Girls! is offered both ONLINE & IN PERSON to our schools in Sarnia & Lambton County!

GO Girls! is a group mentoring program for girls in grades 5-8 that focuses on physical activity, balanced eating and self-esteem. The single, most important goal of the program is to positively shape the lives of young women and girls by helping them build a positive self-image – setting them on a path to reach their full potential in life.
The GO Girls! program consists of seven mentoring sessions, held over a 7-10 week period, within school facilities. Each session is loosely structured around four themes: physical activity, healthy eating, self-esteem, and communication skills.
GO Girls! promotes healthy bodies and healthy minds!
GO Girls! is facilitated by our Lambton College placement students & supervised by our Casework staff.
GO Girls! is offered to all of our schools in Sarnia & Lambton County!
For more information on how to get your class involved in GO Girls! please call Samantha at 519-336-0460 x 304
We look forward to hearing from you!
Our GO Girls Coordinator:
Samantha Hendrickx –
Game ON! – School Based
Group Mentoring (Online OR In-Person)
This program is facilitated by our Lambton College students!
Game ON! is offered both ONLINE & IN PERSON to our schools in Sarnia & Lambton County!

Game ON! is a group mentoring program for providing boys and young men with information and support to make informed choices about a range of healthy lifestyle practices. Through non-traditional physical activities, complemented with healthy eating support, participants are engaged in life skills, communication, and emotional health discussions designed to engage participants in the pursuit of life-long healthy lifestyles.
Game ON! includes seven 75-minute core sessions. There are also four extension modules that capture potential issues and topics specific to various locales and the interests of the mentors and participants.
Game ON! promotes eating smart and playing smart!
Game ON! is facilitated by our Lambton College placement students & supervised by our Casework staff.
Game ON! is offered in all of our schools in Sarnia & Lambton County!
For more information on how to get your class involved in Game ON! please call Samantha at 519-336-0460 x 304
We look forward to hearing from you!
Our Game ON Coordinator:
Samantha Hendrickx –